NOVEMBER 29, 1975
Looking for the pomace of ancient vines, autochthonous of Friuli, the Noninos discover that the most representatives of them, Ribolla, Schioppettino, Tazzelenghe and Pignolo, are dying species because their growing is forbidden. With the aim of having them officially acknowledged by national and EU boards they create the Nonino Risit d’Aur Prize (Gold Vine Shoot Prize) to award every year the vine grower that has bedded the best plant of one or more of these vines, and a scholarship to award the best study, both technical and historical, concerning the vines of Ribolla Gialla, Schioppettino, Pignolo and Tazzelenghe.
The jury is composed by Luigi Veronelli, Orfeo Salvador (president of the vine-growing and wine-making regional center of Friuli Venezia Giulia), Antonio Calò (director of the vine-growing experimental institute of Conegliano), Ruggero Forti (national and regional president of farmers), Amelio Tubaro (director of agricultural production, Department of Agriculture) and Ennio Nussi (director of the vine-growing and wine-making regional center of Friuli Venezia Giulia).