Angelo Floramo, academic, historian, medievalist and scientific consultant of the Guarneriana Library of San Daniele del Friuli, is, as he likes to define himself, a “son of the frontier”. In his study wanderings among the oldest libraries, villages and monasteries in Italy and Europe he has always searched for the threads that link Friulian culture to Slovenian culture where the two merge. (Balkan Circus 2013 and La Veglia di Liuba 2018 Ediciclo editions and Bottega Errante). In search of common roots through the “mothers”, the “majke”, who, linked to their lands, become songs in the deepest sense of existence, he came across the INSIEME cooperative formed by women from Bratunac and Srebrenica, women from Bosnia as they like to define themselves, not Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, not Muslims, Catholics, Orthodox, Jews. Women and that’s it. These women prove that it is possible to rebuild a collective identity against the divisions imposed by war and have started a process of mourning based on the recognition of the value of one another’s pain, no longer understood as an enemy but as a victim of the same violence. This is the incalculable ethical value of the INSIEME cooperative “Fruits of Peace” created in 2003 by a group of “practical pacifists”, like their president, Radmila Zarkovic.