Nonino prize "Un Maestro del nostro tempo" 2010

Serge Moscovici

Serge Moscovici war born in Romania in 1925 and formed himself at the school of life, first in forced labor camp and then as an emigrant. He is director emeritus of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and founder and director of the Laboratoire Éuropéen de Psychologie Sociale of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.

Serge Moscovici’s work in the field of social psychology is acknowledged all over the world, above all on ethnic minorities and not on their relation with dominant societies. He has renovated and reoriented this discipline introducing sharpness of thought and intellectual creativity. Among his many works we quote: “Psychologie des minorités actives” – Psychology of active minorities and “La machine à faire des dieux” – The machine of the creation of gods. But he is above all the thinker of the relation between Man and Nature who we are happy to pay homage to.

Moscovici built a true anthropology, in the nineteenth century German meaning of reflection on the human being, which is nourished by the contribution of all sciences. Concerning this we quote the “Essai sur l’histoire humaine de la nature” – Essay on Nature’s human history. Serge Moscovici’s anthropology has come who are worried by the urgency of a politics that takes up the ecological problem, a precious source of inspiration for all those who are worried by the urgency of a politics that takes up the ecologic dimension.

His works are published in Italy by Il Mulino, Il Saggiatore and Bollati Boringhieri.