Nonino prize Risit d'Aur 2010
Coro Manos Blancas del Venezuela
The “Fundacìon del Estrado par el Sistema Nacional de las Orquestas Juveniles e Infantes de Venezuela” established thirty-five years ago by Mestro José Antonio Abreu has performed a miracle pulling away from the street young people bound to a disheartening fate, setting from free through musical education.
The gem of his extraordinary program is the chorus Manos Blancas, born in 1999 on the initiative of Naibeth Garcia, whose icon is white gloves. Manos Blancas is a silent orchestra where children and teenagers suffering of some sort of handicap interact integrating with orchestras and choruses of any kind and level. A miracle born from “soul vibrations” that gives joy and dignity to sensitive creatures marked by a different fate and opens the heart of who “listens” to them.
A warm thank you to Claudio Abbado who, making us know this adventure, has given us another emotion.
The Nonino Prize will be the Ambassador of this “miracle” and work to make the first Manos Blancas Chorus be born in Friuli, a land so fertile to musical suggestions.