Nonino Risit d'Aur Prize 2007
Carlo Petrini
Bread and the fruits of the land are the indispensable gift that is given us by the Earth, the Mother of all creatures. Too often, however, the man mistakes prosperity with profit and does not respect the rules for a fair relationship with Nature anymore. The Nonino Prize Risit d’Âur, born as an acknowledgement for those who still work in harmony with the Earth, this year celebrates a Man who has always committed himself to restore dignity and courage to that rustic world that has never left the Right Path and, through the Terra Madre Movement that he has founded, reminds us the excellence of natural food, which is an essential value for our existence and for the future of our planet. The Jury, with joy, has awarded the Risit d’Âur Prize 2007 to Carlo Petrini.
His works are published in Italy by Einaudi – Laterza – Slow Food